My State Of Mind – Mental Wellness Platform

Two Goats teamed up with Chance the Rapper‘s foundation, SocialWorks, to create a unique technology platform called, My State of Mind – A Mental Health Solution.

The MSOM mission is, to unify the broader mental health community in Chicago, increase the access and visibility of services, and make it admirable to be honest with yourself.
Experts in device, platform, technology, and design, all within a user-centric approach, we envisioned a landscape for and a path toward a new set of products and services to support everyone with mental wellness needs.

This segment of the healthcare landscape is both overlooked and overworked, with each new caregiver recreating the wheel when aiming to reach the people that need them most.

We combined primary and secondary research with design strategy and built a complex database-driven platform and responsive web app to equip thousands of mental wellness professionals with the right tools required to effortlessly connect with and support the people that need it most.

Through a lengthy process of user and stakeholder interviews, we were able to define and validate all Product features. The entire process took less than 3 months to complete; less than one month later, the MSOM platform has over 5,000 Services vetted.